
unter Mitarbeit von

Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo

Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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1 Hits

  • = Kutlu Alancı H., HİTİT SAĞALTMA VE ARINDIRMA RİTÜELLERİNDE ANALOJİLER (Analogies in Hittite Healing and Purification Rituals), in: ArAn 15/1 97-136. [AbstractÇ As in the Ancient Near East, the treatment of diseases in the Hittites was carried out by three methods: religious, magical and medicines. Among these treatment methods, the most frequently used methods are magical practices, that is, treatments performed through rituals. Rituals employ methods such as analogy (= metaphor), linking and transferring, identification and surrogate, atonement, offering to the gods, and seeking help from the gods. Analogies constitute the most frequently used method in healing and purification rituals. This study examines the analogies seen in these healing and purification rituals by categorizing them according to their functions.]

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